
Sunday, June 22, 2003

A 100 Things List: Can you believe it?

An attempt at the much-replicated "100 Things":
*I'm 23.
*I'm an Aquarius, with all the typical Aquarian hangups.
*I have curly hair.
*I also have eyes that change color.
*These things should add up to me being interesting looking, but I'm actually rather plain.
*I'm a relatively fast reader.
*And an even faster typist.
*I am a bad speller and my grammar is creative.
*Which works out nicely since I get paid to teach English.
*My brother and sister are much cooler than I am.
*My sister is a musician and an artist.
*My brother is a professional slacker, but he does it with style.
*My parents are brilliant and wonderful people.
*I write poetry.
*I date boys I meet online.
*Some of the poetry I write is about boys I meet online.
*I like the taste of beer.
*My favorite beer is Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.
*I used to like whiskey sours, but we had one unforgettable unfortunate evening together.
*I live in the Mississippi Delta.
*I have two degrees and I'm working on a third.
*One of my life goals is to be a professional student.
*Another is to be a writer, preferably a good one.
*It'd be nice to get married someday.
*I used to think I'd been in love.
*Now I can't be so sure.
*I know I'd like to be in love again.
*I have a friend that always tells me the truth.
*I have a friend helps me live up to my girly potential.
*I have a friend that knows me really well without ever letting on that she's figured me out.
*I have a friend who keeps me sane.
*I cheat on boyfriends.
*Then I tell them that I cheated on them.
*I'll probably go to hell for this or any number of crimes against humanity that I've committed.
*I had a brief flirtation with religion.
*It was fun while it lasted.
*The god in my head doesn't send people to hell.
*The god in my head reminds me to smile when the flowers are blooming or when little kids are playing outside.
*I believe the world is full of joy.
*I believe all people have endless creativity inside them.
*I like antique stores.
*And the smell of books.
*And Finesse stying products.
*And porchs, preferably with swings.
*And tall boys.
*And Camel Ultra Lights.
*And conversations that end when you both drift off to sleep.
*And afternoon naps.
*And driving with the windows down.
*And kissing. Lots of kissing.
*I love my mom's smile.
*My sister's laughter.
*My dad's view of the world.
*My brother's ceaseless creativity.
*A good book and coffee on a Sunday Morning.
*The ridiculousness of the Real World.
*My classroom in the morning before the kids show up.
*Feeling like I belong somewhere.
*And that there are people there who need me.
*Writing and editing papers.
*I could do without the whole idea of Mississippi.
*I don't like to drive.
*I didn't get my license until I was 22.
*I bought my car two weeks later.
*I've been known to rescue furniture from dumpsters.
*I've been known to be absolutely boy crazy.
*There are a number of people that I'd give about anything to hear from one more time.
*I tend to hide behind my outspokenness and agressiveness.
*I read too many blogs.
*And in the summer, too many romance novels.
*I can't go into a bookstore without buying something.
*I am an incessant coffee drinker.
*I smoke entirely too much.
*I wish I had time to fit more napping and drinking into my busy schedule.
*I curse like a sailor.
*I twirl my hair.
*I tear my nails.
*I have a tattoo on my big toe.
*I am a vivid dreamer.
*I'm also a bit psychic.
*Sometimes those two things go together.
*I once spent a summer in a tent.
*I spent another one in D.C.
*I also spent a summer falling for a younger man.
*I go for boys with dark hair.
*And big egos.
*I fall too quickly.
*But I'm good at losing interest just as quickly.
*I'm scared of ever having children.
*I want to travel everywhere.
*I am a news junkie.
*And a crossword fanatic.
*I never wear socks.
*I own way too many sandals.
*I love wearing sweaters.
*I look sort of funny wearing sweaters with sandals but I do it anyway.
*Blogging is my therapy.
*It's been a long time since I've cried.
*It's been a while since I've cared enough to cry.
*I worry a lot about losing people that I love.
*I worry about my life falling into place.
*And I'm happy that tomorrow will happen no matter how badly I mess up today.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

He was what a first-kiss-type-of-guy was supposed to be. Much cuter than I thought I deserved, smart, aloof, smooth enough to convince me it was the right thing to do. And so he snuck me over to the side of the university center and there were dumpsters nearby and he stuck his tongue so far down my throat that I was concerned it might become permanently lodged there. It was icky, not emotionally affecting and over as quickly as it started. The accident came much later, but from what I here he gets to keep the cranial metal plate forever.

Thursday, May 01, 2003

When I am old and have been employed long enough to see something they call a raise, I will do the following things: Always have a full tank of gas so that if the mood strikes me I can drive wherever I can to see friends/family/random acquaintances for sexual favors/etc.; buy lunch on a regular basis; stop waiting until I know I will run out of cigarettes to buy the next pack; splurge on expensive coffee, deli lunch meat, and any other grocery pleasure I desire; buy clothes and only wear them once; drive fast; pay all bills on time.

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

My pink, striped, I DO shop at Old Navy, flip flops now have a permanent scar on the bottom from my incessant cigarette snubbing. The plastic thong anchors through the sole, leaving itself in a little vulnerable circle, I left a circle of my own black soot; a reminder of too many trips to the front porch for lung-destruction, phone calls home, thinking while gazing at the Magnolia tree and everything else that comes with the therapy of roughly $3.24 a pack. And even though it all falls apart eventually, that circle will still be there, a singular happy scar.
I've signed up for some crazy/creative psychosis where I have to write 100 words, no more, no less, every day for a month. It's like yoga for the writer. Measured and small, yet tiring at the same time. It's required that you start on the first of the month but my anxiety over doing it prompted me to start a day early, so my entry for May 1st is already composed.

As I write, I'll be posting the entries here as well, to elicit criticism or praise from any and all that would like to read.

Hope all of this isn't nearly as boring as it sounds. Enjoy.

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